Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Corporate Compliance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate Compliance - Essay Example Governance, risk management and compliance were the key elements that needed to be address by the company. Aero energy turned to SAP GRC Access Control and the systems risk analysis and remediation functionality to find the answer they needed (Krell, 2008).This tool has had the specific functionality that allow the company to meet its Sarbanes Oxley needs as well as enhancing the companys risk management capabilities. The solution to a certain extend worked in an automated manner, but it needed a corporate commitment from different people and departments. Three elements that were needed for it to work were: standardizing various business processes, full commitment from the companys executive staff and the participation and monitoring of the finance and IT departments (Krell, 2008). The implementation of the new system met the expectations of the company. It allowed the parent companies to perform joint internal and external audits much faster than before. The entire process was efficient and provided administrative and labor savings because the information was accessible and the raw data was organize in an easy to use manner. The realignment of the organizational structure allowed the desired collaboration to take place at Aera Energy. The move also allowed the firm to address other compliance issues such as segregation of duties. Prior to implementing this solution the company was struggling to deal as subsidiary company with the Sarbanes-Oxley obligation its parent companies request, but after implementing the new system their underlying problems were resolved. The Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care (AFMC) is an organization that has been in business for over 30 years. The company is responsible for performing peer review and quality improvements for Medicare. Ironically a company dedicated to providing advice to others had forgotten about how to improve its own

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

International advertising campaign Research Paper - 1

International advertising campaign - Research Paper Example the company has created in the minds of its target clients the idea that the Cisco-offered internet utilities and services are capable of transforming the way individuals work, learn, play and live, and the Cisco Networking Academy (CNA) Program is spearheading this great transforming. Since 1984 when it was founded, the company has overwhelmingly dominated the network equipment world making a number of network administrators to attest to the idea that they never see any burden channeling intensive funds to acquire Cisco products and services. Indeed, the overall cost of Cisco-produced routers and switches surpasses the prices issued by a number of the competitor firms, but this has steel left businesses perceive the Cisco tools as the way to go for safe and efficient network practices. The company has also been credited for producing reliable products that target a wider range of global customers (Wylie 33). As a way to evade the high rates associated with Cisco networking products, some consumers have often tried exploring products from competitor firms, but they have always ended up settling for Cisco tools. The organization also employs a strategic approach to marketing adventures as a way to increase revenue. This has been realized through an active research unit that pursues custom research on the prevailing market trends then uses the findings to advise the company on best approaches to design adverts. Some areas of focus during research adventures include brand positioning, buying behaviors, price elasticity and advertising among others. The organization also uses business intelligence tools like database analysis and reporting tools. These tools provide benefits like offering insights plus directions ahead of market planning and execution and delivering incremental values obtained from data-generated models that are applied to different marketing programs. The company advertises its products through Cisco mConcierge program. At the most basic level, the