Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business classwork 4 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business classwork 4 - Coursework Example articipants thereby raising a range of ethical issues including violation of the individual privacy, informed consent and exposure of the findings without the knowledge or permission of the participants (Cooper & Schindler, 2010). In the observation method, participants may not be sought to provide an informed consent since the observations may be done without their knowledge. In addition, observation methods invade individual privacy leading to breach of the ethical principle requiring respect for individual privacy. Unobtrusive measures sometimes require researchers to forego the informed consent of the participants in order to promote nonreactivity in the study (Cooper & Schindler, 2010). This raises ethical issues involving invasion of participants’ privacy and informed consent. The problem of declining productivity in a manufacturing firm can be resolved through observational data on workplace reporting patterns, staff’s attitude towards work and general commitment in execution of their role. Observation data can also be used to solve problems of motivation at workplace and reactions towards change initiatives. Communication entails a two way processed as opposed to observation which only follows a one way process. Collection of data through the observation method involves collection responses without making any exchanges with the participants (Cooper & Schindler, 2010). Observations serve to strengthen the information gathered through communication or exchange of information. Nonverbal analysis involves analysis of phenomena such as body movements and motor expression while linguistic analysis entails examination of interaction processes between individuals to determine information exchanged and language used. Extra-linguistic analysis on the other hand goes beyond language analysis to cover other factors in communication such as rhythm, pronunciation and levels of vocabulary used. Since the research is aimed at establishing ways of increasing

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