Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Whitman Essay -- Biography

Biography. Born on May 31st 1819, died March 26th 1892. Born into a working class family, ended his formal education at age 11, would later say that most of his meaningful education came from outside the school house. Had apprenticeships at working-class newspapers also started his own newspaper, The Long Islander, though it later failed. Whitman's most famous work is the collection of Leaves of Grass, first published in 1955 at his own expense. In total there were 9 editions each addressing the citizens of the United States, urging them to be large and generous, a new race nurtured in political liberty, and possessed of united souls and bodies published during Whitman's life with each having its own distinct virtues and faults. Emerson received praised and support from the Transcendentalism movement, specifically, Emerson, Thoreau and Alcott (Folson & Price, 2011). Beliefs: On Personal Development. Whitman believed that it was corruption of civilization that ultimately change the goodness of human and the soul by changing the state of good in the mind. Therefore, one should disc...

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