Thursday, November 21, 2019

Parallel myths Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Parallel myths - Essay Example The main emphasis is made on mathematical structures of cosmology and immortal features of human beings. Different cultures position gods in a numerical hierarchical rank. As a rule, they have a parallel support from a celestial body (stars, planets, moon etc). With regards to mythological developments, deities are full of immortality secrets and they are demigods, which were born in the result of relationships between god and the matter of earth. Â  Initially, the Taoist pantheon consisted of the natural deities and came from the roots of a natural philosophy (Hackin, Linossier, De Wilman-Grabowska, Marchal, Maspero and Eliseev, 1963). Further on some features from Buddhist deities were incorporated and different signs of Confucian ideology and many other ideologies can be identified. In the majority of cases mythical deities were embodied in human forms and shapes. In accordance with the legends and different myths these deities have never been human ones. Demi-gods in Chinese myt hology combine the features of heroes, emperors and other outstanding personalities. There is no doubt that Chinese deities personify features of human brevity and courage in the majority of cases. In the Chinese mythology one can find many non-human spirit beings, which are popular in the context of Chinese culture (Ter Haar, 2001). For example, there are many deities, who have heads of animals or these demi-gods functioned as the regulators of destiny, developers of the universe; these demi-gods were legendary leaders etc. Therefore, Chinese mythology is often compared with common features of real personalities. Indian Mythology represents a rich element of the Indian Culture. It is one of the most unique cultures in the world. Stories about mythology in India were transferred from one mouth to another from one generation to another (Cotterell, 1986). Thus, there is a myriad of different articles and stories about the Indian mythology. These stories create a reliable background fo r Indian mythology development. The basic values of the Indian culture can be traced in mythology of the country. Tales of Panchatantra and Jataka are as well popular, as other stories from the Bhagvad-Gita, Mahabharata and Ramayana (Cotterell, 1986). The main emphasis should be made on numerous and different stories telling about real positive features of the Indian mythology. The Hindu Gods are the most popular gods from the Indian mythology. There are hundreds and thousands of arms in deities of Indian mythology. Chinese mythology is not focused on depicting a myriad of hands or any other limbs of their deities. Hindu Gods are the most sexual around the world (Hopkins, 1969). Sexy carvings have grasped majority of temples in the Indian culture. Goddesses in the Indian culture are always dancing; they are full of color and emotions. The cosmic dance of Shiva and the gang are very interesting and appealing for the audience. It should be noted that Hindu mythology is more about phil osophy and not religion (Chatterjee 2001, p. 32). There are many sects in the Indian culture. The followers of this culture underline that they are able to choose any path for their own development. The essence of mythology in Hindu is to show that every person should follow his own path in his own life. Karma is a moral duty of cause or reason and the followers in Hindu are obliged to the laws of karma. There is more motion in the

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