Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Effects Of Underage Drinking On Public Health - 1797 Words

Christopher Duffey HSC 401: Public Health and Policy Professor James D. Blagg Public Health Issue/Health Policy Analysis Paper April 10, 2016 Impact of Underage Drinking on Public Health: Minimum Legal Drinking Age Policy Overview of the Issue The adult consumption of alcohol, in moderation and in a responsible manner, is perfectly fine. Issues arise when the consumption of alcoholic beverages are done so in a way that is excessive, risky, done so as a coping mechanism, illegally, and done so in an irresponsible manner that could cause harm to other. The public’s health is the main concern of the health care field and to identify risks factors that affect our nation’s safety and health. Exposing what is causing health issues and finding†¦show more content†¦Many studies have also shown that one of the huge issues, that have affected the safety of the public in the past and present, in regards to underage drinking, is fatal car accidents. Before the minimum legal drinking age was raised, with the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, varying in some states from 18, 19, and 20, to all states following the federal law of 21, making it illegal for anybody under the age of 21 to purchases and, with some state exceptions, consume alcohol in public, underage alcohol related fatal car accidents became a major threat to our countries public health. The minimum legal drinking age represents one approach to reducing drinking by young adults to try and reduce the high percentage of preventable car accident deaths from occurring. Due to the high number of instances of this occurring, the federal system reacted and implicated the minimum legal drinking age to be raised to 21. As a result, the number of fatalities to underage related fatal car accidents has drastically decline. These data results supported the theories that by increasing the legal drinking age, with the updated health care policy, the impact on the public’s safety and health had greatly improved. Supporting Literature/Data The minimum legal drinking age, prior to 1988, was different amongst states, either 18, 19, or 20. Research has shown data, in regards to the amount of alcohol consumption, amongst the age groups at that time. In 1975, 68% of 12th graders drank in

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