Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Effects Of Underage Drinking On Public Health - 1797 Words

Christopher Duffey HSC 401: Public Health and Policy Professor James D. Blagg Public Health Issue/Health Policy Analysis Paper April 10, 2016 Impact of Underage Drinking on Public Health: Minimum Legal Drinking Age Policy Overview of the Issue The adult consumption of alcohol, in moderation and in a responsible manner, is perfectly fine. Issues arise when the consumption of alcoholic beverages are done so in a way that is excessive, risky, done so as a coping mechanism, illegally, and done so in an irresponsible manner that could cause harm to other. The public’s health is the main concern of the health care field and to identify risks factors that affect our nation’s safety and health. Exposing what is causing health issues and finding†¦show more content†¦Many studies have also shown that one of the huge issues, that have affected the safety of the public in the past and present, in regards to underage drinking, is fatal car accidents. Before the minimum legal drinking age was raised, with the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, varying in some states from 18, 19, and 20, to all states following the federal law of 21, making it illegal for anybody under the age of 21 to purchases and, with some state exceptions, consume alcohol in public, underage alcohol related fatal car accidents became a major threat to our countries public health. The minimum legal drinking age represents one approach to reducing drinking by young adults to try and reduce the high percentage of preventable car accident deaths from occurring. Due to the high number of instances of this occurring, the federal system reacted and implicated the minimum legal drinking age to be raised to 21. As a result, the number of fatalities to underage related fatal car accidents has drastically decline. These data results supported the theories that by increasing the legal drinking age, with the updated health care policy, the impact on the public’s safety and health had greatly improved. Supporting Literature/Data The minimum legal drinking age, prior to 1988, was different amongst states, either 18, 19, or 20. Research has shown data, in regards to the amount of alcohol consumption, amongst the age groups at that time. In 1975, 68% of 12th graders drank in

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Organ Donation Organ Donations Essay - 1323 Words

Previously organ donation has encountered organ donors and organ supply rejections. Organ donation challenges and demands decreased as the organ shortages increase over the years. Organ donation mission is to save many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives, the significance of the organ donation is to give back to restore one’s quality of life. The ongoing issues may present an idealistic portrait of how these issues may be resolved. As a result organ donation mission is to restore organs for their patients and to promote, education, to empower altruism, and quality ethics as a resource for existing and potential donors. Organ donations have been perceived by potential organ donors to be inhumane activity, dishonor a humanized process, circulation of illegal revenue, existing donors, and conceptual grounds as a resort consistently with altruism as the empowered outcome. Inhumane activity is the overall reason why this proposal is for increasing organ donation which are frequently rejected by incongruities with solidarity motivation as donor’s measures. It differentiates ethical principal amongst altruism and solidarity motivations for organ donations. The first issue being the grounds is a limited form of additional problems limited to supporters (Saunders, 2012) which may be independent or of individual groups. Awaiting for the scarcity of organs to receive the next available transplantation. Utilizing degrading behaviors, illegal activity, andShow MoreRelatedOrgan Donation1237 Words   |  5 PagesSpecific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate. Thesis Statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die. I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention material/Credibility Material: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn’t live without? Well, my cousin was five years old whenRead MoreOrgan Donation. â€Å"Organ Donation Is Not A Tragedy, But It1112 Words   |  5 PagesOrgan Donation â€Å"Organ donation is not a tragedy, but it can be a beautiful light, in the midst of one† (Unknown). There has been many disbeliefs about donating your organs over the years. The organ demand drastically exceeds the available supply, which is why more people need to be organ donors. People should become organ donors because of the limited availability of organs and the chance to save many lives. Although many people think that if you are an organ donor doctors won’t try as hard toRead MoreOrgan Donation2096 Words   |  9 Pages stat! After applying yourself to be a recipient for a donation, you will be added to the waiting list for that organ. This can take months, if not years. Receiving an organ can be sudden whenever an organ match has been found for you. We should reevaluate organ donation due to someone’s personal religion, inability to benefit the poor, numerous hospital visits, and potential endangerment to their own well being. Therefore, in 2009, organ transplants became a demand everywhere so abruptly thatRead MoreOrgan Donation And Organ Organs Essay1308 Words   |  6 PagesOrgan donations have encountered organ donor and organ supply rejections. Organ donation challenges and demands increase as the organ shortages increase over the years. Organ donation’s mission is to save many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives. The significance of the organ donation is to give back to restore one’s quality of life. The ongoing issues may present an idealistic portrait of how these issues may be resolved. As a result, the mission of organ donations are toRead MoreOrgan Donation : Organ Organs1054 Words   |  5 PagesOrgan Donation Organ donation occurs when a failing or damaged organ, is replaced with a new organ, through a surgical operation. The two sources of organs for donation come from a deceased person and a living person. The organs that are received from a deceased person are called cadaveric organs. A person can indicate on his or her driver’s license if they want to be an organ donor after they die. There are some states that allow for family consent for organ removal, regardless if the deceasedRead MoreIs Organ Donation Or Not?1486 Words   |  6 Pageswill happen if they ever donate their organ/s or tissue’s. Most look upon people who donate organ/s as generous. Others even applaud them for being a lifesaver. The question that lingers on many: Is it proper to charge for the organ donations or not? According to the Mayo Clinic, in United States alone, over 100,000 individuals are in the offing for an organ donation. Regrettably, several individuals may at no time procure the bid that a fit benefactor of an organ matches his or her— one more wagerRead MoreOrgan Donation2032 Words   |  9 PagesOrgan Donation Pros and Cons Organ donation is a noble act that makes a positive difference to the lives of many people by enabling them to lead a longer and a healthful life. Here s a bit about the pros and cons of donating vital organs and tissues of one s body. Quick Fact As an organ donor, you can actually save more than one life. In fact, a single donor may make a difference to the lives of about fifty people. Human organ failure has a long history. Since a long time, people have beenRead MoreOrgan Donation2109 Words   |  9 PagesSeventeen people will die because they couldnt get an organ transplant in time. Moneys not the issue here. Neither is scarcity. There are potential donors who pass away every day who could meet the needs of people on the waiting list. The problem is the potential donors die without leaving instructions that they wish to be an organ donor. Each donor could enhance the lives of up to fifty people. Everyone should sign up to be an organ donor because the greatest gift you can give is the giftRead MoreOrgan Donation1163 Words   |  5 PagesBut by becoming an organ donor, you can be able to say â€Å"I will save a life.† Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chance at life. Unfortunately, the number of patients waiting for organs far exceeds the number of peo ple who have registered to become organ donors. Patients are forced to wait months, even years for a match, and far too many die before they are provided with a suitable organ. There are many shamesRead Moreorgan donation1007 Words   |  5 Pagesyou would help someone after you have passed on. Organ and tissue donation is a topic that does not get enough attention. Ninety-five percent of Americans say that they support donation yet the number of registered donors is much smaller ( Anyone can sign up to be a donor. After death you can donate your organs. Each day 18 people will die waiting on organs. Tissues are also able to be donated. The age of donation do not matter. Some mothers donate the blood of the

Monday, December 9, 2019

Procter and Gamble in Japan Essay Example For Students

Procter and Gamble in Japan Essay Procter Gamble (PG), the large U. S. consumer products company, has a well-earned reputation as one of the world’s best marketers. PG manufactures and markets more than 200 products that it sells in 130 countries around the world. Along with Unilever, PG is a dominant global force in laundry detergents, cleaning products, personal care products, and pet food products. PG expanded abroad after World War II by exporting its products, brands, and marketing policies to Western Europe, initially with considerable success. Over the next 30 years, this policy of developing new products and marketing strategies in the United States and then transferring them to other countries became entrenched. PG’s adaptation of marketing policies to accommodate country differences was minimal. In general, products were developed in the United States, manufactured locally, and sold using a marketing message created in Cincinnati. The first signs that this policy was no longer effective emerged in the 1970’s, when PG suffered a number of major setbacks in Japan, by 1985, after 13 years in Japan; PG was still losing $40 million a year. We will write a custom essay on Procter and Gamble in Japan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now It had introduced disposable diapers in Japan and at one time had commanded an 80 percent share of the market, but by the early 1980’s it held a miserable 8 percent. Three large Japanese consumer products companies were dominating the market. PG’s diapers, developed in the United States, were too bulky for the tastes of Japanese consumers. Kao, a Japanese company, had developed a line of trim-fit diapers that appealed more to Japanese tastes. Kao introduced its product with a marketing blitz and was quickly rewarded with a 30 percent share of the market. PG realized it would have to modify its diapers if it was to compete in Japan, It did, and the company how has a 30 percent share of the Japanese market. Plus, PG’s trim-fit diapers have become a best –seller in the United States. PG had a similar experience in marketing education in the Japanese laundry detergent market. In the early 1980’s, PG introduced its Cheer laundry detergent in Japan. Developed in the United States, Cheer was promoted in Japan with the U. S. marketing message – Cheer works in all temperatures and produces lots of rich suds. But many Japanese consumers wash their clothes in cold water, which made the claim of working in all temperatures irrelevant. Also, many Japanese add fabric softeners to their water, which reduces detergents sudsing action, so Cheer did not suds up as advertised. After a disastrous launch, PG knew it had to adapt its marketing message. Cheer is now promoted as a product that works effectively in cold water with fabric softeners added, and it is one of PG’s best-selling products in Japan. PG’s experience with disposable diapers and laundry detergents in Japan force the company to rethink its products development and marketing philosophy. The company decided that its U. S. centered way of doing business did not work. For the last decade, PG has been delegating more responsibility for new-product development and marketing to its major subsidiaries in Japan and Europe. The company is more responsive to local differences in consumer tastes and preferences and more willing to admit that good new products can be developed outside the United States. Evidence that this new approach is working can again be found in the company’s activities in Japan, until 1995, PG did not sell dish soap in Japan. By 1998, it had Japan’s best-selling brand, Joy, which now has a 20 percent share of Japan’s $400 million market for dish soap. It made major inroads against the products of two domestic firms, Kao and Lion Corp. , each of which marketed multiple brands and controlled nearly 40 percent of the market before PG’s entry. .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 , .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 .postImageUrl , .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 , .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30:hover , .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30:visited , .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30:active { border:0!important; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30:active , .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30 .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6621583906a88089d2d4ef886f99fa30:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Coolidge vs New Hapmshire EssayPG’s success with Joy was because of its ability to develop a product formula that was targeted at the unmet needs of Japanese consumers, to design a packaging format that appealed to retailers, and to create a compelling advertising campaign, In researching the market in the early 1990’s, PG discovered an odd habit: Japanese homemakers squirted out excessive amounts of detergent onto dirty dishes, a clear sign of dissatisfaction with existing products. On further inspection, PG found that this behavior resulted from the changing eating habits of Japanese consumers. The Japanese are consuming more fried food, and existing dish soaps did not effectively remove grease. Armed with this knowledge, PG researchers in Japan went to work to create a highly concentrated soap formula based on a new technology developed by the company’s scientists in Europe that was highly effective in removing grease. The company also designed a novel packaged for the product. The packaging of existing products had a clear weakness: the long-neck bottles wasted space on supermarket shelves. PG’s dish soap containers were compact ylinders that took less space in stores, warehouses, and delivery trucks. This improved the efficiency of distribution and allowed supermarkets to use their shelf space more effectively, which made them receptive to stocking Joy. PG also devoted considerable attention to developing an advertising campaign for Joy. PG’s ad agency, Dentsu Inc. , created commercials in which a famous comedian dropped in on homemakers unannounced with a camera crew to test Joy on the household’s dirty dishes. The camera focused on a patch of oil in a pan full of water. After a drop of Joy, the oil dramatically disappeared. With the product, packaging, and advertising strategy carefully worked out, PG launched Joy throughout Japan in March 1996. The product almost immediately gained a 10 percent market share. Within three months the product’s share had increased to 15 percent, and by year end it was close to 18 percent. Because of strong demand, PG was able to raise prices as were the retailers that stocked the products, all of which translated in to fatter margins for the retailers and helped consolidate Joy’s position. In the laundry detergent market too, PG had been making inroads. Through market research, PG found that Japanese consumers wanted detergents with stronger cleaning power, so the company developed and launched bleach reinforced and anti-bacterial versions of its Ariel detergent in Japan. Both have been very successful, helping to take PG’s share to the Japanese laundry detergent market up to 20 percents by the early 2000’s

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Medias Effect on Underage Alcohol Abuse Essay Example For Students

The Medias Effect on Underage Alcohol Abuse Essay The Effects of the Media on Underage Alcohol Abuse It is a major aspect of our culture and many others, being used in religious ceremonies, for celebration, and during common socialization, its presence is seen everywhere. It is alcohol. Alcohol is the broad term that society gives to such drinks as wine, beer, and hard liquor because it contains ethyl alcohol. Despite the fact that in the past century alone, alcohol has been denounced, accepted, and outlawed, we still see alcohol everywhere in magazines, television, billboards, and The effects of alcohol are numerous and reach a widespread of people in the following ways: drunk driving accidents, fetal alcohol syndrome, liver disease, and increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, also called the NIAAA, state in their article called Alcohol Alert that, Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths annually, making it the third leading cause of preventable casualty (2). We will write a custom essay on The Medias Effect on Underage Alcohol Abuse specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In addition, Gary Hopkins, MD, director of The Center for Adolescent Behavior Research at Andrews University, found that 41% of all traffic fatalities, the leading cause of accidental death, are alcohol-related (n.p.). Alcohol is a significant problem in todays society, it isnt limited to any particular age group, but one age group of great concern is those that are under twenty-one years. The Century Council is a group started in 1991 to fight underage drinking and alcohol abuse. According to Fighting Alcohol Abuse, the Century Councils website, most young people do not drink illegally, the number who do is high enough to make underage drinking a serious safety and health concern(n. p.). The Century Council continues with sixth graders in saying, one in fourteen sixth graders drink monthly(n.p.). They go on to talk about eighth graders and thier drinking habits. One in four eighth graders have drank in the last month, one in six have reported binge drinking, and one in ten got drunk while drinking(n.p.). Binge drinking is drinking heavily in a short amount of time and can result in alcohol poisining sometimes resulting in death. If that is shocking, maybe the statistic that one in two high school seniors drink on a monthly basis(n.p. ). These statistics again prove a serious problem, but what is the root? In a society where children are able to identify more brands of beer than American Presidents, there is a definite problem. The root to the dangerous mix of alcholol and todays youth is the media. The increase in underage alcohol consumption is a direct and indirect result of the medias influence in children and teenagers. The same study by the NIAAA showed that when a group of nine to eleven year olds were asked what Tony the Tiger said when he appears on television advertisements, then asked what those talking frogs, spokescritters for Budweiser, said, they were able to respond to the latter much faster (1). Clearly, these ads are leaving an impression on young minds. These advertisements are targeting teenagers heavily during prime-time television and during A large portion of a television program is its commercials. Commercials praise this soft drink because it is richer, that brand of potato chips because they are crispier, and those khakis because people can line-dance in them. The commercials are colorful and loud, featuring the beautiful people: models, rock stars, athletes, actors, and actresses that society have come to make their role models. Every company is spending millions of dollars to get the most renowned characters, people, cartoons, or animals to appeal so that we will buy their products. These are the same targeting tactics used in alcohol advertisements as well. Statistics from P. .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 , .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 .postImageUrl , .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 , .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8:hover , .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8:visited , .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8:active { border:0!important; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8:active , .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8 .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3f9453e0ef541d0f1214ebc3e90f39a8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Multicultural Education: Piecing Together the Puzz EssayA. Madden and J.W. Grubes research Frequency and Nature of Alcohol and Tobacco Advertisements on Television Sports from the American Journal of Public Health says that the beer brewing industry spends six million dollars each year on television and radio advertisements. As well, they spend ninety million dollars a year on print advertisements (298). Aside from that, they get less obvious advertisements. When watching a movie, people drink a certain soda, eat at certain fast food restaurants, and wear a particular brand of clothing to try to sway the public to buy the same things. When looking at exactly whom the television and movie industry is targeting, consider the audience that is watching. Television shows such as Dawsons Creek and Beverly Hills 90210 are aimed primarily at teenagers. Many times they urge abstinence of habit-forming substances to teenagers. .

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Dont Snite in Public

Dont Snite in Public Don’t Snite in Public Don’t Snite in Public By Maeve Maddox Every so often I renew my attempts to read Beowulf in the original Old English. I suppose the pleasure I derive from the effort is similar to that of the geologist who goes fossil hunting. The delight springs from discovery. It’s fun to find, among the many strange ancient forms, a word that is still in use, with the same meaning, a thousand years later. More often, though, a word that at first sight recalls a modern word turns out to be something quite different. Take for example a word that frequently draws giggles from undergrads because of its similarity to our unlovely word snot. snotor: adj., prudent, wise snotor-lice: adv., wisely, prudently Hrothgar, the king haunted by Grendel, is described as snotor. The adjective derives from the noun snyttru, â€Å"wisdom, discernment.† Our word snot, on the other hand, meaning â€Å"nasal mucus,† existed in OE as gesnot. This word is related, reasonably enough, to the word snout, â€Å"the projecting nose of an animal.† Besides its literal meaning, snot has figurative uses. The first recorded use of snot to mean â€Å"a despicable person† is 1809. The adjective, snotty, came along in 1870, with the meaning â€Å"impudent, curt, conceited.† Snotnose, to describe an immature or inexperienced person, was first recorded in 1941. Old English had a verb snyttan, â€Å"to wipe or pick one’s nose.† As snite, it survives in dialect to refer to a particularly unpleasant way of blowing ones nose. Maybe snite deserves a place in the standard language as a simpler way to talk about rhinotillexis. Mothers could admonish their children not to snite in public. As for snotor, I guess that was just an excuse to write about snot. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business EmailsIn Search of a 4-Dot EllipsisUsing "May" in a Question

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Get Good Grades

How to Get Good Grades 5 Tips for Boosting Your Grades Getting good grades in school isnt something that just happens. It takes persistence, patience and a lot of effort on your part. Going from getting mediocre grades into good grades isnt going to happen overnight. It takes time to get yourself organized and develop the skills you need to succeed. To help you boost your grades, here are a few simple tips you can start implementing today. TIPS FOR USING THE CONTROL PANEL 1. Attendance Isnt Optional You cant expect to learn anything if you arent actually in the classroom to take in the information being taught. Being present in the classroom is crucial to improving your grades. By just listening to what the teacher has to say, you stand a chance of being able to walk away with at least a C. When you take notes and study further about the subject matter at hand, you are going to boost your grade even further. The skipping class will cause you to lose points and make your grade suffer further. 2. Keep Distractions to a Minimum If there is anything around you that could be a distraction and prevent you from learning, you need to get rid of it. Dont play around with your phone, listen to music or sit so far back in the classroom that you cant see or hear what the teacher is talking about. Sit closer to the front of the room to make sure you can hear what the teacher is saying and take accurate notes. Dont allow other classmates who might not be interested in learning to distract you from bettering yourself. 3. Pay Attention to Your Note-Taking Whatever the teacher talks about in class, you can plan on it being on the exam. Because of this, you need to make sure you are taking accurate notes that you can study from before the exam. Most of the time, teachers discuss the things that they feel are the most important. With accurate notes, you should have no problem passing the test. Go over everything the teacher discussed and make sure you know the material inside and out. Make note cards, discuss the material with the teacher or a friend, do whatever it takes to come out ahead and make sure the material is embedded in your brain. 4. Read through Your Textbooks Regardless of how much your teacher might try to fit everything into their class session, it isnt going to happen. They only have so much time to go over all of the material. Because of this, you have to take it upon yourself to go through the textbook provided and do your own research and studying. For many students, the thought of reading through pages upon pages of text can be intimidating and overwhelming. This is where you need to implement techniques like scanning, skimming and spotting keywords. Skimming involves going through and reading just the most important parts of the content. Reading the first sentence of every paragraph can help you pick up what the text is about quickly. Scanning is where you look through the main parts in a book to figure out whether it relates to your given topic. By reading the preface, index, intro and conclusion, you can get a good idea whether the book is going to help you or not. Spotting keywords involve going through and picking out the important phrases or words within the text. Anything highlight in italics or bold tends to be the most significant piece of information in the text. Pay attention for this formatting when reading the text. 5. Compare Your Notes with the Textbooks The key to mastering the material at hand is reading, analyzing and memorizing the materials. Read through your notes, write down any questions you might have and ask your teacher for the answers. You can also search your textbook for answers to your questions. This will help your brain to retain all of the information being taught in class. So, what are the things we should remember in order to get good grades? By going through the tips above, you can begin improving your grades in no time at all. Before you know it, you will have the grades you want and be on your way to a new grade point average. There is also another way to get your A become our customer! Our team of professional writers and 24/7 support cant wait to help you!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Parallel myths Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Parallel myths - Essay Example The main emphasis is made on mathematical structures of cosmology and immortal features of human beings. Different cultures position gods in a numerical hierarchical rank. As a rule, they have a parallel support from a celestial body (stars, planets, moon etc). With regards to mythological developments, deities are full of immortality secrets and they are demigods, which were born in the result of relationships between god and the matter of earth. Â  Initially, the Taoist pantheon consisted of the natural deities and came from the roots of a natural philosophy (Hackin, Linossier, De Wilman-Grabowska, Marchal, Maspero and Eliseev, 1963). Further on some features from Buddhist deities were incorporated and different signs of Confucian ideology and many other ideologies can be identified. In the majority of cases mythical deities were embodied in human forms and shapes. In accordance with the legends and different myths these deities have never been human ones. Demi-gods in Chinese myt hology combine the features of heroes, emperors and other outstanding personalities. There is no doubt that Chinese deities personify features of human brevity and courage in the majority of cases. In the Chinese mythology one can find many non-human spirit beings, which are popular in the context of Chinese culture (Ter Haar, 2001). For example, there are many deities, who have heads of animals or these demi-gods functioned as the regulators of destiny, developers of the universe; these demi-gods were legendary leaders etc. Therefore, Chinese mythology is often compared with common features of real personalities. Indian Mythology represents a rich element of the Indian Culture. It is one of the most unique cultures in the world. Stories about mythology in India were transferred from one mouth to another from one generation to another (Cotterell, 1986). Thus, there is a myriad of different articles and stories about the Indian mythology. These stories create a reliable background fo r Indian mythology development. The basic values of the Indian culture can be traced in mythology of the country. Tales of Panchatantra and Jataka are as well popular, as other stories from the Bhagvad-Gita, Mahabharata and Ramayana (Cotterell, 1986). The main emphasis should be made on numerous and different stories telling about real positive features of the Indian mythology. The Hindu Gods are the most popular gods from the Indian mythology. There are hundreds and thousands of arms in deities of Indian mythology. Chinese mythology is not focused on depicting a myriad of hands or any other limbs of their deities. Hindu Gods are the most sexual around the world (Hopkins, 1969). Sexy carvings have grasped majority of temples in the Indian culture. Goddesses in the Indian culture are always dancing; they are full of color and emotions. The cosmic dance of Shiva and the gang are very interesting and appealing for the audience. It should be noted that Hindu mythology is more about phil osophy and not religion (Chatterjee 2001, p. 32). There are many sects in the Indian culture. The followers of this culture underline that they are able to choose any path for their own development. The essence of mythology in Hindu is to show that every person should follow his own path in his own life. Karma is a moral duty of cause or reason and the followers in Hindu are obliged to the laws of karma. There is more motion in the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Crime and Punishment and ways to make our prison system better Essay

Crime and Punishment and ways to make our prison system better - Essay Example This essay describes how hard it is for the imprisoned people to find their place in society after coming out. The Policy Information Report by the Educational Testing Service finds that the rate of black youths incarcerated has increased to the point that it â€Å"jeopardize(s) the achievement of broader social justice goals†. This is especially true for those who dropped out from school. This indicates that there is a gap in the educational opportunities of the Black youth as compared to the White youth. It is a matter of common knowledge that when people are not educated, they receive lesser opportunities for employment and, therefore, some of them turn to alternatives such as criminal activities to earn their living. Therefore, it can be construed that lack of education causes crime, which in turn increases the incarceration rates. Besides, research evidence suggests that â€Å"illiteracy† and the lack of mathematical skills are quite high in prisoners and a â€Å" half of all prisoners† do not possess any education at all. It is also seen that there is an increased trend of early dropout from schools, which can be attributed to drug use, lack of family support or the want of economic resources. Therefore, any reformations of prison systems must also encompass the concept of educating the prisoner through in house sources so that when they get released, they can engage in some productive employment. This will decrease the chances of recidivism and, thereby, eliminate the chances of their repeated incarceration. In the present day, the job market has become highly competitive and business entities have a wide variety of choices of people to hire. This means that people who do not possess adequate qualification, such as a college degree and professional skills, remain unemployed. In addition, the fact of being imprisoned casts the shadow of social stigma of ex-convicts and, usually, employers would not be interested in hiring them. This si tuation forces them to look for alternative sources of income and they end up relying on criminal activities for income and this

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Stress in Nursing Essay Example for Free

Stress in Nursing Essay One of the definitions of stress offered in literature is: Stress is the psychological and physical state that results when perceived demands exceed an individuals ability to cope with them. The profession of nursing has thrived over the past century into a respected and necessary member of the health care arena. However, the future of the profession, and more imminently, patient care and the health of nurses, may be significantly impacted by repeated challenges in the contemporary era where current levels of STRESS and burnout are contributing to organizational problems, burnout, and attrition. According to the article The effect of stress on health and its implications for nursing, stress is seen as a negative feeling affecting peoples health either physically and/or psychologically. However, stress is a normal part of life and considered necessary to increase functional capacity. This article identifies and discusses the effect of stress on health and its relationship to nursing. First, according to the authors of the article, the effects of stress on health and its implications for nursing, stress affects people in different ways and is recognized as a cause of physical and _PSYCHOLOGICAL_ ill health. For example, Psychological reactions to stress produce emotional responses ranging from exhilaration, when an event is stressful but manageable, to anxiety, anger, discouragement and depression when an event appears to be unmanageable. In addition, _PHYSIOLOGICAL_ responses refer to the internal responses within the body that regulate physiological processes in an optimal way to adapt to the demands of the work environment. Therefore, physiological response to stress causes the bodys metabolism to increase in preparation for expending energy on physical action, thereby curtailing unessential activities such as digestion, saliva and mucus production which over a long period can be harmful. The short-term symptoms of stress include headache, muscular tension, chest pains, indigestion, palpitations; disturbed sleep and increased susceptibility to respiratory  infections. Second point in this article discusses stress relationship to nursing. The most important resource in any organization is the employee; therefore maintaining and supporting their health is vital to ensure their ability to work, to keep standards and continuously improve standards of care. According to the article the effects of stress on health and its implications for nursing, stress may also affect the wellbeing of the nurse with a positive correlation between stress and mood disturbance with common effects including: anxiety and irritability, depression and mood swings. Also, this article states that nurses express dissatisfaction regarding lack of autonomy, and practice a coping mechanism to reduce stress termed avoidance behaviors. This avoidance behavior may result in a loss of the caring element of nursing by giving only a clinical response to those in their care. Stress can have a significant impact on individual nurses and their ability to accomplish tasks. More specifically, poor decision making, lack of concentration, apathy, decreased motivation and anxiety may impair job performance, creating uncharacteristic errors. All of which can directly contribute towards absenteeism, decreased work performance, and ultimately, burnout. The information given in the article was found to be factual. The facts that the author used to support the argument are issued guidance from National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (2009), Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (2007), and The American Nurses Association (2005). However, I found that the information given in the article is faulty because the information that the author is giving is a generalization from the literature and other author findings. There isnt any bias, propaganda or stereotyping. The author is not backing up his/her information with any studies. After I read this article, I think the effect on the general public specially nurses and other healthcare professionals will be very positive. This article inform about the effects of stress in health; therefore the general public, nurses and other healthcare professionals are going to be more  perceptive about their health and the impact that stress could cause when they delivering care to others. Furthermore, some recommendations the author suggests in this article are that shift nurses who have family care-giving responsibilities at home should be encouraged to avoid working consecutive 12-hour shifts and a special focus is required to concentrate on limiting the physical and psychological workloads that may significantly increase physiological strain on ageing nurses. Also, the author suggests to promote wellbeing among older staff nurses, nurse managers may consider providing flexible shift hours, ergonomic modifications, wellness programmers, and transferring older nurses fro m bedside nursing to mentoring younger nurses. Finally, my reaction about this article isnt surprising. Today, the number of medical lawsuit for negligence and malpractice is increasing, and it has to do a lot with stress management among health care professionals. For example, nurses are in constant tension. A splash of contaminated body fluid, a needle stick incident, lifting patients heaviest than them, etc., could jeopardize their life; therefore nurses not only have mental fatigue but also physical. As a consequence, errors and poor delivery of care can occur.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Importance of Setting in The Awakening Essay -- Chopin Awakening

The Importance of Setting in The Awakening  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   Setting is a key element in Chopin's novel, The Awakening  Ã‚   To the novel's main character, Edna Pontellier, house is not home. Edna was not herself when enclosed behind the walls of the Pontellier mansion. Instead, she was another person entirely-- someone she would like to forget. Similarly, Edna takes on a different identity in her vacation setting in Grand Isle, in her independent home in New Orleans, and in just about every other environment that she inhabits. In fact, Edna seems to drift from setting to setting in the novel, never really finding her true self - until the end of the novel.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chopin seems highly concerned with this question throughout her narrative. On a larger scale, the author seems to be probing even more deeply into the essence of the female experience: Do women in general have a place in the world, and is the life of a woman the cumbersome pursuit to find that very place? The Awakening struggles with this question, raising it to multiple levels of complexity. Edna finds liberation and happiness in various places throughout the novel, yet this is almost immediately countered by unhappiness and misery. Even at the end, the reader is still left with the question of whether Edna has truly found a setting in which she can finally be herself.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many readers would argue that Edna finds this niche in her seaside vacation home on Grand Isle. To Edna, the sea is a wide expanse of opportunity and liberation from the constricting socialite world of French Quarter New Orleans. Chopin's lavish descriptions of the sea give us an insight into its powerful effect on Edna:    The voice of the sea is seductive; never ceasing, whis... ...e Awakening." 1899. The Complete Works of Kate Chopin. Ed. Per Seyersted. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1969. 881-1000. Delbanco, Andrew. "The Half-Life of Edna Pontellier." New Essays on The Awakening. Ed. Wendy Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. 89-106. Gilmore, Michael T. "Revolt Against Nature: The Problematic Modernism of The Awakening." Martin 59-84. Giorcelli, Cristina. "Edna's Wisdom: A Transitional and Numinous Merging." Martin 109-39. Martin, Wendy, ed. New Essays on the Awakening. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. Papke, Mary E. Verging on the Abyss: The Social Fiction of Kate Chopin and Edith Wharton. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1990. Seyersted, Per. Kate Chopin: A Critical Biography. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1969. Showalter, Elaine. "Tradition and the Female Talent: The Awakening as a Solitary Book." Martin 33-55.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why Do Luxury Companies Sponsor Art?

Course: The Environment of Visual Arts Administration Instructor: Prof. Carlo Lamagna Title of the paper: Why do luxury companies sponsor art? Author: Qing Zhong Why do luxury companies sponsor art? Motivations of corporate art sponsorship fall in many categories, as suggested by O'Hagan and Denice (O'Hagan,J. 2000). The analysis of this article concentrates on the external benefits a luxury company could gain from sponsoring art and particular attention will be given to the promotion of brand image, as it is a dominant motivation for corporate decision makers in order to raise brand awareness (Hitters, 1996).To examine the outcomes of art sponsorship, examples of some luxury companies will be given. These examples include but are not necessarily limited to, Deutsche Bank, LVMH and Hermes. Each example will examine one aspect of the three major motivations that can be generalized into the publicity/brand image promotion category. In addition to these three examples, a personal observ ation will be given as a complete inspection analyzing all the motivations in a flowing process.All the cases used in this article are â€Å"designer sponsorship† which means that luxury companies either initiate corporate art organizations or organize their own art events (Eamon O hOisin 1995). Instead of sponsoring existent art organizations or events, designer sponsorship allow luxury companies to take control over all aspects of the activities and thus maximizes the potential outcomes. The starting point of this discussion is the definition of sponsorship.It has been reiterated thousands of times by many luxury companies as selfless motives. However, it is not true in reality. Differing from charity or philanthropy, sponsorship is at its best a win-win situation in which sponsors put their own benefits, instead of the sponsored subjects’, in the first place. For the recipients, financial support may save them from desperate situations. For the givers, expected bene fits include earning capacity growth or transferring a responsible corporate image to the public.Luxury companies may not gain directly from their sponsorship behaviors, but they gain huge indirect bnefits from branding and image promotion to the public (Krzysztof Klincewicz, 1998). Indirect benefits relating to art sponsorship could be further detailed in three aspects. Firstly, by appearing more frequently in front of the public’s eyes on banners, boards, websites or TV news report, luxury companies propagate themselves and impress the latent clients in a way that is different from traditional advertisements.A good example worth mentioning is the Deutsche Bank’s sponsorship for various art forms, including art fairs such as the International Hong Kong Art Fair, Art Fair Tokyo, self designed art events such as â€Å"Artist of the Year† and influential long-term art projects like the cooperation between Deutsche Bank and the Guggenheim Museum. Figure 1 Hong Kong International Art Fair Sponsorship for worldly renowned art events gives Deutsche Bank a wide coverage and exposure in social media and thus expands its visibility to the public, but this kind of brand exposure is not directly related with Deutsche Bank’s products.It gives the public a fresh and indirect perspective to approach the bank and its products. As can be seen in Figure 1, whenever viewers browse on the Hong Kong Art Fair’s website, they can’t avoid noticing the little image of the bank on the right corner. Same situation applies to other art events such as the â€Å"Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year†. It is impossible for the media to mention this event without saying its title beginning with the â€Å"Deutsche Bank†.It is neither impossible for the public to get a first impression for the event without knowing that it is sponsored by the bank. Secondly, art sponsorship transcends the role of a narrowly defined advertising tool a nd adds meanings and value to the company and its products, which is the most essential difference between art sponsorship and sports or entertainment sponsorship (O'Hagan,J. 2000). Value creation is essential as it stimulates emotional connections in human minds and help luxury companies attract and gather key clients who share the same kind of ifestyle with their unique brands. By sponsoring art, luxury companies create images that consistently convey their value and expect potential clients connect the corporate identity with these images, which is often times not just an illusion as meaning transferring and image associations are most effective and immediate when such image links exist (Gwinner, K. 1997). Let’s take a look at Bernard Arnault‘s plan on the LVMH Museum, which has been a controversial issue since 2006 because of the conflict between the public rights and the corporate’s benefits.Figure 2 LVMH Museum The museum looks fabulous. It’s itself an art work by the renowned architect Frank Gehry, but it’s also a iconic image of the corporate self-portrait: arrogant, powerful, egocentric and elitist. The project once ceased constructing because neighbors  objected: they want the space to remain green and they don't want this to be the start of more buildings in the bois, even if it's by Gehry. However, the senate finally compromised to LVMH’s superpower announcing that this project contributes to the civic pride and cultural identity of the nation.Ironically, the content of this museum may not be as democratic or liberal as stated. It will include Arnault’s private and corporate collections as well as heritage pieces from several brands such as Dior and Vuitton-those have always been regarded as belongings of the elite. Contrary to the senate’s announcement, LVMH reinforces its value and identity by building up a private coded museum that can only be decoded by the counterparts, namely, the limit ed elite who would have the sense and taste to appreciate the art in the same way the company appreciates it.Wouldn’t the public be scared off if they approach this apparently exclusive and flamboyant museum? They might come up with an even stronger conclusion that glory only belongs to the superior. As for the â€Å"lucky† elite, their requirements for supremacy can be further satisfied and therefore confirms their degree of honesty for the company. Thirdly, since sponsorship is naturally linked with social responsibility, it will relieve the public’s aversion for the luxury that is often times regarded as a superior, limited VIP belonging distinguishing the elite class from the grass roots.Promotion of public image also provides better returns in luxury companies’ rent-seeking process – that of lobbying important politicians or policy makers (O'Hagan, J. 2000). Cartier might have been excelled in establishing such a generous and socially responsi ble identity in its continuous giving for the Foundation Cartier since 1984. Besides the organization’s name, there is no link between the artworks commissioned by or in the foundation’s collection and the Cartier brand.This kind of sponsorship is therefore called the â€Å"pure† sponsorship in order to distinguish from the product-related one (O'Hagan,J. 2000). Figure 3 The Foundation Cartier The artworks in the collection travel around the world and ongoing programs take place in the foundation’s dynamic, light-filled home in Paris, which Figure 2 presents. For nearly 30 years, Foundation Cartier has been sponsoring the contemporary art in a modest and prudent manner.Though hard to notice, this conduct might have won a good reputation for Cartier and would benefit the brand enormously in its long term rent-seeking activities. Finally, in order to delineate a more consistent and comprehensive picture, an independent case based on my personal observation at the Rolex Mentor ; Protege Arts Initiative will be studied to integrate all the three motivations stated above. The Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative is an international philanthropic programme created to assist extraordinary, rising artists to achieve their full potential.It seeks out these artists from around the world and brings them together with great masters, for a year of creative collaboration in a one-to-one mentoring relationship. The event that I volunteered at was a â€Å"dinner celebrating the Mentors and Proteges of the 2010-2011 Rolex Arts Initiative†. It was actually a quite exclusive event with safeguards standing outside the entrance and all guests dressing up with their by-invitation-only cards. Admittedly, Rolex has done a lot to propagate this initiative, as can be seen on various websites, on banners, n magazines and on spot of the celebrating dinner (Refer to Figure 4). Figure 4 Entrance of the dinner for celebration the Rolex Arts Initiative However, â€Å"By Invitation Only† is what I felt for this arts initiative because during a whole year of mentoring, no public access has been allowed into the procedure all the way from selecting qualified candidates to presenting the cooperative final projects. Only the â€Å"selected† will have a real sense for what is happening within this event.This â€Å"selected† group includes the renowned artists, board of the Rolex, celebrities and business magnets, all of whom share a common character of being superior and elite (from my observation at the Rolex dinner). As the art initiative reflects the value of Rolex, it satisfies and attracts the same group of people who recognize and approve of this value. If attracting only a small group of people is what Rolex aims at, there will be some questions to ask: Does the initiative promote the public image of Rolex? Is this program contributing to the overall goodness of the society?Can the public feel the goodness an d if yes, to what extent? Information gathered from the websites or the observation did not suggest a positive answer to this question, but together they do not provide enough evidence to make a decisive conclusion. Luxury companies’ motivations for art sponsorship are tailored to the internal and external situation each company faces. They are diversified and sometimes hard to recognize, but together they stimulates information and resource exchange between art organizations, business and the public and contribute to the flourish of the art ecology.Bibliography Bulut, D. â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility in Culture and Art. †Ã‚  Management of Environmental Quality  20, no. 3 (2009): 311. Comunian, R. â€Å"Toward a New Conceptual Framework for Business Investments in the Arts: Some Examples from Italy. †Ã‚  The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society  39, no. 3 (2009): 200. Eamon O hOisin. â€Å"Art Marketing: Sport on the Sidelines. †Ã‚  Ci rca  no. 71 (Spring, 1995): pp. 43-45. Gwinner, K. â€Å"A Model of Image Creation and Image Transfer in Event Sponsorship. †Ã‚  International Marketing Review  14, no. 3 (1997): 145.Krzysztof Klincewicz. â€Å"Ethical Aspects of Sponsorship. †Ã‚  Journal of Business Ethics  17, no. 9/10, How to Make Business Ethics Operational: Creating Effective Alliances: The 10th Annual EBEN Conference (Jul. , 1998): pp. 1103-1110. O'Hagan, J. â€Å"Why do Companies Sponsor Arts Events? some Evidence and a Proposed Classification. †Ã‚  Journal of Cultural Economics  24, no. 3 (2000): 205. pp. 6. 8 Okonkwo, Uche. Luxury Fashion Branding : Trends, Tactics, Techniques. Basingstoke: Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Deusche Bank,â€Å"Art & Music: Fostering Creativity†, http://www. db. com/csr/en/art_and_music. htm (Accessed Novembe r 21). [ 2 ]. Judith H. Dobrzynski, â€Å"Paris To Get Gehry's LVMH Museum Afterall†, Arts Journel Weblog, http://www. artsjournal. com/realcleararts/2011/04/lvmh. html (Accessed November 21). [ 3 ]. LaPlaca Cohen, â€Å"Cultural Sponsorship†, http://www. laplacacohen. com (Accessed November 21). [ 4 ]. The Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative, â€Å"About the initiative†, http://www. rolexmentorprotege. com/en/ about-the-initiative/index. jsp(Accessed November 21, 11).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Becoming a Teacher Essay

Becoming a teacher means much more to me then just a paycheck or just another job I have to go to everyday. I want to make the difference in a student’s life, I want them to feel as if they can achieve the world and that each and everyone of them are important in one way or another. My vocation or calling to become a teacher has been with me for some time now. When I was little I use to play school with my little girlfriends all the time and I would always be the teacher. I love to learn and have always wanted to share that love of learning. Community impact and the commitment to my students tie together. As teachers we have tons of impact on the community, we help shape the younger generations within our community with the help of parents of course. I will strive to become that role model to my students and I will commit to them that they will succeed and learn new things each and every day. Being a role model to me as for any teacher I am sure is very important. Being a role model is not only a great feeling to have but is also a great tool to gain student’s respect. There will be extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to me as a teacher and to my students. For me extrinsic rewards will be seeing my students smiling faces and seeing them succeed in what they set their hearts to. An added bonus might be a teaching award at some point in my career. As for my students their extrinsic rewards for one is to always have a smiling teacher to greet them everyday, but also there can be multiple extrinsic rewards such as free days, homework coupons, or just to pick something fun to do at the end of the day. Intrinsic rewards I think are pretty similar to a teacher and a student. For us to have that joy of success or the fulfillment to teach and learn is a great intrinsic reward in my eyes. There are many resource books available for teachers of any grade, which is a great learning tool for teachers to have. As teacher we can have a major impact on families rather it is a safe haven for children to go to everyday, or a place where students know that they matter and are there to learn and succeed. Succeeding is a great feeling for any child of any age. There is nothing better for a teacher or a family member to see that look in a child’s eye when they have accomplished or learned something new; that is absolute wonderful! Some useful information I like to keep in mind is five reasons for becoming a teacher. Time commitment things will be done on my own time such as grading papers, activities, and lessons plans. Pay is not the best I know lots of teachers that have to get summer jobs to help out with income, so no one should be a teacher for pay or for the summer vacations. Respect is a big one, some people within the community you work in may have negative things to say about teachers due to a bad experience, so I must prove myself to be trustworthy and a great educator. Community expectations the community will always have an opinion on what their teachers should be doing, this is when the phrase â€Å"grin and bare it† comes into play, this is challenging but rewarding. Last emotional commitment this is by far not a desk job I will commit myself to my students and job, again challenging but rewarding. (Melissa Kelly, 2011, pg. 1) This is my passion and I will strive to be the best teacher I can be.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Teenage Abortion

Teenage abortion has become a complicated issue in today’s time. The decision we are faced with is â€Å"Who Chooses†, the parent or their pregnant teenage daughter. Most parents are informed and support their daughter’s decision whatever that decision might be. There are a few teenage girls who do not inform their parents they are pregnant and want to have an abortion. Instead they have illegal abortions or travel out of state to have an abortion done because it is illegal in their home state. Teenage abortion is on the increase; it is a never-ending battle that poses a legal, medical, social and moral dilemma. Many legal battles have been fought in the United States over the issue of abortion. Merz states that the earliest American law on abortion was based on the British common law. In addition, Merz says until 1803 the British common law did not view abortion as a crime if it was performed before the fetus â€Å"quickened†. Since a fetus is not yet a baby, does the unborn child have the capacity to feel pain? Doctors today know that unborn children can feel a touch within the womb and that they respond to pain (Reagan 31). In the 1800 time period abortions were legal but in the 1900’s they became illegal in the United States. Merz reveals that in 1973 the Supreme Court, in the Roe v. Wade case decreed that a constitutional â€Å"right to privacy† gave women the right to choose. On the other hand, American Medical Associates in 1970 affirmed abortion was a medical procedure and was to be performed on grounds of â€Å"sound clinical judgment† (Burtchaell 61). The Allan Gullmacher Institution reports that in the United States about half of the states have enacted laws requiring minors seeking abortion to have parental consent. Abortion is induced termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is able to survive on its own. According to Merz, there are several abortion methods: induced abortion is the m... Free Essays on Teenage Abortion Free Essays on Teenage Abortion Teenage abortion has become a complicated issue in today’s time. The decision we are faced with is â€Å"Who Chooses†, the parent or their pregnant teenage daughter. Most parents are informed and support their daughter’s decision whatever that decision might be. There are a few teenage girls who do not inform their parents they are pregnant and want to have an abortion. Instead they have illegal abortions or travel out of state to have an abortion done because it is illegal in their home state. Teenage abortion is on the increase; it is a never-ending battle that poses a legal, medical, social and moral dilemma. Many legal battles have been fought in the United States over the issue of abortion. Merz states that the earliest American law on abortion was based on the British common law. In addition, Merz says until 1803 the British common law did not view abortion as a crime if it was performed before the fetus â€Å"quickened†. Since a fetus is not yet a baby, does the unborn child have the capacity to feel pain? Doctors today know that unborn children can feel a touch within the womb and that they respond to pain (Reagan 31). In the 1800 time period abortions were legal but in the 1900’s they became illegal in the United States. Merz reveals that in 1973 the Supreme Court, in the Roe v. Wade case decreed that a constitutional â€Å"right to privacy† gave women the right to choose. On the other hand, American Medical Associates in 1970 affirmed abortion was a medical procedure and was to be performed on grounds of â€Å"sound clinical judgment† (Burtchaell 61). The Allan Gullmacher Institution reports that in the United States about half of the states have enacted laws requiring minors seeking abortion to have parental consent. Abortion is induced termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is able to survive on its own. According to Merz, there are several abortion methods: induced abortion is the m...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Using Quotations in Essays - a Guide

Using Quotations in Essays - a Guide If you want to make an impact on your reader, you can draw on the potential of quotations. The  effective use of quotations  augments the power of your arguments and makes your essays more interesting. But there is a need for caution! Are you convinced that the quotation you have chosen is helping your essay and not hurting it? Here is a checklist to ensure that you are doing the right thing: What Is This Quotation Doing in This Essay? Let us begin at the beginning. You have a chosen a quotation for your essay. But, why that specific quotation? A good quotation should do one or more of the following: make an opening impact on the readerbuild credibility for your essayadd humormake the essay more interestingclose the essay with a point to ponder upon. If the quotation does not meet a few of these objectives, then it is of little value. Merely stuffing a quotation into your essay can do more harm than good. Your Essay Is Your Mouthpiece Should the quotation speak for the essay or should the essay speak for the quotation? Quotations should add impact to the essay and not steal the show. If your quotation has more punch than your essay, then something is seriously wrong. Your essay should be able to stand on its own legs; the quotation should merely make this stand stronger. How Many Quotations Should You Use in Your Essay? Using too many quotations is like having several people shouting hoarse on your behalf. This will drown your voice. Refrain from overcrowding your essay with words of wisdom from famous people. You own the essay, so make sure that you are heard Dont Make it Look Like You Plagiarized Are there any expected standards for using quotations in an essay? Yes, there are. The most important one is that you should not give the impression of being the author of the quotation. That would amount to plagiarism. Here are a set of rules to clearly distinguish your writing from the quotation: Sometimes, you describe the quotation in your own words before using it. In this case, you should use a colon (:) to indicate the beginning of the quotation. Then begin the quotation with a quotation mark (). After you have completed the quotation, close it with a quotation mark (). Here is an example:Sir Winston Churchill made a witty remark on the attitude of a pessimist: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.Sometimes the sentence in which the quotation is embedded does not describe the quotation, but merely introduces it. In this case, do away with the colon. Simply use the quotation marks. Here is an example:Sir Winston Churchill once said A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.As far as possible, you should mention the author and the source of the quotation. For instance:In Shakespeare’s play As You Like It, Touchstone says to Audrey in the Forest of Arden The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. (Act V, Scene I). Ensure that the source of your quotation is authentic. Also, verify the author of your quotation. You can do so by looking up the quotation on authoritative Web sites, such as this one. But for formal writing, do not rely on just one Web site. Blend Quotations In An essay can seem quite jarring if the quotation does not blend in. The quotation should naturally fit into your essay. No one is interested in reading quotation-stuffed essays. Here are some good tips on blending in your quotations: You can begin your essay with a quotation that sets off the basic idea of the essay. This can have a lasting impact on your reader. In the introductory paragraph of your essay, you can comment on the quotation if you like. In any case, do ensure that the relevance of the quotation is communicated well.Your choice of phrases and adjectives can significantly boost the impact of the quotation in your essay. Do not go with monotonous phrases like:George Washington once said...If your essay merits the use of powerful speech, consider using emphatic expressions like:George Washington rocked the nation by saying ... Using Long Quotations It is usually better to have short and crisp quotations in your essay. However, if you are convinced that a particular long quotation is more effective, make sure that you follow the necessary rules. When is it Appropriate to use Long Quotations in Your Essay?:  It is your judgment call. Let me explain. Long quotations must be used sparingly as they tend to weigh down the reader. However, there are times when your essay has more impact with a longer quotation. If you have decided to use a long quotation, consider paraphrasing, as it usually works better. But, there is a flip side to paraphrasing too. Instead of the paraphrase, if you use a direct quotation, you will avoid misrepresentation. As you can see, the decision of using a long quotation is not trivial. Once again, it is your judgment call. Punctuating Long Quotes:  Long quotations should be set off as block quotations. Formatting block quotations should be as per the guidelines that you might have been provided. If there are no specific guidelines, you can follow the usual standard - if a quotation is more than three lines long, you block it. Blocking implies indenting it about half an inch on the left. Often, setting up a long quotation is warranted. Writing a brief introduction displays your understanding of the subject. In other cases, you might need to provide a complete analysis of the quotation. In this case, it is best to state the quotation and follow it with the analysis, rather than the other way around Using Cute Quotes Some students choose a cute quotation first, and then try to plug it into their essay. As a consequence, such quotations drag the reader away from the essay. Quoting poetry:  Quoting a verse from a poem can add a lot of charm to your essay. I have come across writing that acquires a romantic edge merely by including a poetic quotation. If you are quoting from poetry, keep in mind that: A small extract of a poem, say about two lines long, requires the use of slash marks (/) to indicate line breaks. Here is an example: Charles Lamb has aptly described a child as A childs a plaything for an hour;/ Its pretty tricks we try / For that or for a longer space; / Then tire, and lay it by. (1-4) If you use a single line extract of a poem, punctuate it like any other short quotation without the slashes. Quotation marks are required at the beginning and at the end of the extract. However, if your quotation is more than three lines of poetry, I would suggest that you treat it like you would have treated a long quotation from prose. In this case, you should use the block quote format. Does Your Reader Understand the Quotation? Do you use quotations in your essays? Surely you follow the expected standards. But, that may not be enough. Having followed all the standards and punctuation, you must ask the critical question: Do readers understand the quotation and its relevance to my essay? If the reader is re-reading a quotation, just to understand it, then you are in trouble. So when you choose a quotation for your essay, ask yourself the following questions: Is this too convoluted for my reader?Does this match the tastes of my audience?Is the grammar and vocabulary in this quotation understandable?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Personal Statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Statement - Assignment Example A few years ago, my dad developed Parkinsons disease. Despite the fact that I am currently pursuing my studies in chiropractic school in Los Angeles, I am the only person in my family with the ability and position to assist him and provide care. Due to the severity of my dads disease, I am forced to drive everyday from San Diego, my home town, to Los Angeles to attend classes on a daily basis. It is in this regard that I am applying for a care giver scholarship in order to learn the various element of care giving. According to a definition explicated by Mayo Clinic, Parkinsons disease is a "Progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement" (para.1). It is important to note that Parkinsons disease develops steadily, and having a close relative or family member with the disease elevates the risk of its development in other family members. The comprehension that development of Parkinsons disease is correlated to genetics and my role as a care giver partly influenced my decision to major in Chiropractics. This has been geared towards gaining knowledge to help my dad cope with the effects of Parkinsons disease and also to learn and understand how to reduce the risk of developing the disease owing to my elevated risks in relation to hereditary factors. In essence, chiropractic is a career path that spotlights on disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and related consequences. As reiterated by American Chiropractic Association (para.1), chiropractic deals with cure and management of neuromuscular and cardiovascular problems such as back and neck pains. Having witnessed my father struggling with the effects of the disease particularly difficulties in walking and back pains, I believed that a chiropractic course would help gain relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities that I could apply in helping my dad cope with the effects of Parkinsons disease. This scholarship will be helpful to me in my

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Compare Newton and Goethe's theory described in a particular video Essay

Compare Newton and Goethe's theory described in a particular video - Essay Example When the cone is illuminated by white light on either sides, a grey shadow appears on either sides. When a green filter is used to cover one of the light sources, the set up displays a magenta shade. The magenta shade is a visionary creation of the eyes as green’s complimentary color. Goethe spent 40 years formulating his theory of colors. His studies took color as part of the human vision into account. Therefore, Goethe studied the human eye in detail and based his theory on man as an observer. The eye will always strive to bring about unity and totality in the way we perceive colors. The eyes create harmony by initiating complementary colors. For example, Red is the complementary color for cyan. Goethe studied the quality and characteristics of colors and the conditions under which specific colors came into existence. In his theory, Goethe reiterates that light and darkness are co-factors in the formation of colors. He encoded his research on colors on a color-wheel. The complimentary and harmonic color pairs are placed on opposite sides of the wheel. The harmonic colors form a basis for the interaction between a seeing man and the world of colors, that is, when the world shows us a particular color, our vision responds by perceiving a complementary color. The theory is insistent on the fact that the perception of color must take into account the qualities of color in dark conditions and in light as well. In his experiments, Newton constructed a triangular prism to advance his theory of the refraction of light. In the experiment, he directs a beam of sunlight to pass through the prism upon which refraction occurs. The refraction results into a spectrum which is a series of seven colors commonly associated with the rainbow. From the observations he made during the illustration, Newton concluded that the seven colors are components of white light. Therefore, Newton’s theory associates the perception

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

Philosophy - Assignment Example For instance, the existence of computers is a result of the work of various people from different materials and expertise. In terms of necessity, computers are now needed because their creators imposed the need for them. In short, there is an originator to its necessity and existence. In relation to this, it can be proven that God exists because of the concept that nothing can exist without someone causing the necessity and creation of things that now exist. However, like St. Anselm’s proposition, this could face the problem of the requirement of scientific studies which demand tangible explanations. 3. The existence of evil is necessary as a tool to test one’s volition and faith in God. Although it does not necessarily mean that evil comes upon those who do evil, it is an important tool for God to measure the goodness of man. As J. L. Mackie explains, the biblical character Job was a righteous man but he experienced loses in terms of family, wealth and heath but it was necessary to determine if Job deserved to go to heaven or hell. Nevertheless, this argument can be faced with the problem of accusing God as unjust because that is what a man is called when he does evil to someone who has not done him any wrong. 4. Thomas Nagel believes that none of us can ever know what it is like to be a bat because we have different experiences from that of a bat. Even for instance, one metamorphoses to a bat, he could never tell how it is because he lacks the experience of being a bat from birth. The lack in experience makes the metamorphosed bat unable to fully understand how it is to be a bat. If Nagel is right, this would strengthen the philosophical idea that everything is physical. One may conceptualize a bat’s life but can never know how it is because of the lack of experience. 5. Monads, according to Leibniz, are simple substances which can make

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fiscal Policies: Relationships between Housing and Economy

Fiscal Policies: Relationships between Housing and Economy The government uses two types of policies to evaluate economic activity and set interest rates in balance with inflation and deficiencies. It is a governmental orthodox that housing market play a significant role in the structuring the economic stability and causes inflation consequent of low prices. According to an economic research, rise in construction costs and uncertainty in housing investment is the real cause of two-third decrease in house construction cycles since 1970. Fiscal policy is used in evaluation of economic activity, to assess the level of taxation requirement, and establishing what fraction of taxation will be spent on public expenditure. There are two types of fiscal policy: expansionary and deflationary fiscal policy. Under the expansionary fiscal policy, the government aim is to encourage greater spending to boost the economy. Conversely, deflationary fiscal policy aim to assist in the reduction of inflation through decease in the level of economic demand. Fiscal policy is used by government as an instrument to control economics and to support monetary policy. Conversely, fiscal policy aims to preserve the growing of the economy along with the perseverance of low level of unemployment. In the event of excessive debt or deficiency, fiscal policy will face difficulty to operate accurately. Whereas, monetary police is used for assessing the supply of money and interest rates to achieve desired economic policy objectives. If the economy is in recession, the government would aim to boost economic activity, through expansionary monetary policy by reducing interest rates whereby growth of money supply will increase. Adversely, if there is a need for reduction in economic activity, due to fast growth causing inflation, the government will put in operation deflationary monetary policy to increase interest rates and reduce rate of growth in money supply. In broad terms, most of the problems adversely effecting the economy of Britain, over the last fifty years, have been led or influenced by housing market. To particular degree, there has been an unacceptable imbalances in the large demand for housing along with the limited supply of housing, consequent to the fluctuating housing market. In the contrary, the housing market remains strong, as alertness for economic recovery continues to be at the core of alleviation of the housing market, in parallel with the economy. A sudden increase in house prices came to a screaming peak in 19894. Subsequently, the economy halted and the interest rates increased dramatically to 15% to compensate for the rise in inflation and to shield the British currency. Escalation in net savings was triggered by the dramatic stagnation in house prices. In the event of continuous decline in house prices, the economy inevitably faces growth in recession in parallel with the anticipated decrease in lending. Substantially, this will result in a collapse of the economy, giving rise to increased levels of unemployment and economic diminution. Government is proposing new measures to increase the supply of housing, promote flexibility in the housing market, and streamline and simplify the planning regime. The interaction between housing and the economy is pervasive. Fluctuation of house prices, contribute significantly on consumersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ expenditure. The responsiveness of new housing construction to demand changes is weak. Fall in house prices attract construction then rise in prices; this is the factor which resulted in recent recession in construction. National Income is the total annual income of a state, consisting of employee wages and the profits of companies. Conversely, national income equates to the value of the output of all goods and services during the same period8. In wider terms, national income is valued by gross national product (GNP) which is the amount of a countrys total output subtracted by an allowance for replacement of ageing capital stock. The primary factors effecting the construction industry have been the rise in building materials, profitability of development, interest rates and the economic growth as opposed to land prices which had little effect on the number of new houses being built10. The evidence from a recent research of the house building cycle, have proved that private building activity such as building of offices, warehouses and shops operate relatively different and move in opposite direction to a house building cycles. Hence, this indicates the adverse reflection on new levels of housing caused by other private sector building crowding out house building. Inevitably, depreciation in one sector is inadvertently means withdrawal of supply from the other sector. Furthermore, the impulsiveness of construction costs renders it more competitive for house builders to challenge with other sectors, in parallel lines. The current situation is that overall national economic fluctuations appear to synchronise with the fluctuations in housing investments. Whereas, in early 1970s, the economy stabilised as the fluctuation in national economy did not coincide with the changes in housing investment. Adversely, there are other problems facing house building as we are running out of land suitable for new housing12 (Kelvin Hopkins the UK Parliament). Nevertheless, government is planning to tackle this recession in the economy caused by downturn in house building cycle. In effect, increase in housing investment effectively improves national income. Since the housing market is in the era of recession, the government got its hands full as it faces the reality of decline in national income. National income has faced a large decline as the house prices rise along with interest rates decreasing demand for house building market. According to relevant figures, since 1960, the UK has invested a lower proportion of its national income in housing than any other EU country. On the one hand of the spectrum, the governments goal to set high interest rates as a means of controlling inflation. On the other hand, this is clearly exposing prospective house investors to high interest rates which contributes to making the UK housing market much more volatile, which itself adds a potential volatility to the wider economy. In conclusion, it is the time of volatility for the house building market as the government stretch its legs to establish the exact fiscal and monetary policy for the development and stability of our economy. However, it is the house building cycle, which is paying a high price for the increased interest rates in mortgages, as public demand in the housing market is threaten by increased house prices. In Fact, there is no easy solution for this, expect from anticipation of interest cuts and reduction in cost of construction materials.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Accounting Essay -- Business Management Studies

Accounting Accounting is the practice of â€Å"†¦maintaining, auditing and processing financial information†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( for the purpose of a company, persons or organisation. There are some fundamental parts of accounting which are; â€Å"Identifying, measuring and communicating† (Black, 2000). You need to identify the important financial sections of a company, person or organisation which will include the companies assets, liabilities, capital, income and of course expenditure. You will also need to measure â€Å"†¦ monetary values of the key financial components in a way which represents a true and fair view of the organisation† (Black, 2000). Finally there is the communication side of accounting, it is vital that a company, person or organisation can communicate all of the financial information gathered so in turn users, whether they are internal or external, will be able to receive the correct financial information and be able follow it. There are two forms of accounting they are Financial Accounting and Management Accounting. Financial Accounting is concerned with the preparation of financial accounts for the benefit of people outside a company or organisation. Management Accounting is financial information used by managers within a company or organisation to make financial decisions based on the information that the accounts provide. There are many people who would be interested in company’s accounts, they are divided up into two groups; External Users and Internal Users. Within the External Users group are; Investors, lenders, Suppliers, Customers, prospective buyers, other businesses and the Government. Included in the Internal Users group are the Owners, Shareholders, the Board of Directors and Employ... ...ounts Payable which are debts owed BY a company, person or organisations which, at present have not been paid, Capital, Income and finally Revenue and as before if there was a increase in any of the above it would be a Debit entry. For example if a company, person or organisation was to purchase a fixed asset such as a building or piece of machinery this would be an increase in that company, person or organisations assets and would therefore be a Debit entry, the other side of the entry would be a Credit entry as there would be a decrease in the bank account of the company, person or organisation. The Double Entry Bookkeeping is essential in order for a company, person or organisation to keep track of all financial transaction as Double Entry is a very detailed financial account and everything that comes in or out of the business is written in a Double Entry Account.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Effectiveness of Product Placement in Hindi Movies Essay

Product placement refers to the practice of including a brand name, product, package, signage or other trademark merchandise within a motion picture, television or other media vehicles for increasing the memorability of the brand and for instant recognition at the point of purchase. Product placements are commercial insertions within a particular media program intended to heighten the visibility of a brand, type of product or service. The common practice has been that advertising has been inserted within breaks, 30 seconds or 10 seconds commercial, but with increasing number of channels and media clutter, the target audience is not properly exposed to the message. The tendency of the audience is to change the channel whenever an advertisement appears. But by subtle placement of products in the settings of the Movie or a TV serial, the promotional message can be effectively put across the target audience These insertions are not meant to be commercial break ups rather an integral part of the medium so that the visibility of the brand increases. Attempts are made for the viewer to read the product or the brand as a quality of the characters using and approving it. Scripts are tailor made for the desired brand so that when they are incorporated they look natural. It is done through special mention in the programs, placement of logo or may be a shot of that particular brand. Movies have been used as the most popular platform for product placement. Showman Subhash Ghai’s Yaadein showcased brands like Pass-pass and coca-cola. But recall the Rishi Kapoor starrer Karz by the filmmaker, which had an entire song sequence with the Emami banner at the backdrop. Similarly time and again we have witnessed so many brands like ICICI, Yamaha, Pepsi, Lays in movies Aakhein, Baghban, Dhoom, Khushi and Krissh respectively. Product placements are different than the celebrity endorsement advertisements in many ways. The celebrities endorse products and brands with commercial reasons,which normally comes in the breaks in television programs or in cinema halls. The phenomenon of zipping and change in the television usage behaviour due to surfing during commercial breaks has reduced the effectiveness of the television commercials. Similarly the commercials on cinema halls are found to be of low involvement as the audience takes them as blocks between the reasons of visiting the cinema hall and the time available to them for entertainment. So the brand communication and the entertainment products are viewed differently by the audience in both the media. Brand placement provides an opportunity where the involved audience gets exposure to the brands and products during the natural process of narration of the movie or television commercial. We have taken the issue of the movie as area of research because compared to television, movies are found to be of higher involvement. The audience can undertake multitude of working while observing the television program at a home setting which may affect the degree of attention span of the audience and hence reduce the over all effectiveness of the medium for enhancing brand memory. Quite contrast to this is the movie going behaviour where the audience makes a voluntary choice for viewing (exposure) at a cost (financial, time and opportunity cost) for the purpose of entertainment. So he is more receptive to the information provided to him in the movie hall setting which also includes the dissemination of the product information. Further to this in a television viewing, the audience has a choice to shift the channel, as the programming is an involuntary exposure due to fixed schedules, content and timing. This involuntary exposure makes the audience to have a choice of voluntary viewing of the program of his choice and then he or she may switch to another channel. It has been observed from research that brand recall for commercials shown during the television programs with higher level of TRPs are very poor due to the channel switching behaviour (Fourier and Dolan 1997). High level of media clutter, similarity of programming across channels, channel switching behaviour are the factors responsible to generate sufficient level of research interest among researchers at the practice of brand placements in movies. It is very important to expose the product only to the target audience. A good marketer should first identify the target market based on geographic segmentation and demographic variables or may be even both. Selection of the target audience is also done keeping the brand profile in mind. A target audience should also be able to identify with the product. The potential target audience should be able to identify themselves with the product. History: Product placement is being used since long in bollywood industry, however it was not much known . With time the frequency as well as the awareness for this advertisement media have been increased. The earliest reference of a brand placement comes in the 1940 classic Chalti Kaa naam Gadi with the brand Coca Cola, followed by movie bobby endorsing rajdhoot by Rishi Kapoor. The movie Dilwale Dulhanyiyan Le Jayenge of the 1990s was a successful story of launching of Stroh bear in Indian market. Today, product placement is used as an often-used strategy for the advertisers in Hindi films. Broadly analysing, there are three ways product placement can occur: 1.The placement simply happens : This placement occurs without any type of formal contractual agreement to place a particular product or brand. The likely scenario in this instance involves some member of the cast or crew selecting a product to use in a scene because it will enhance the scene though the product itself may not be seen or presented in a favourable light. 2.The placement is arranged and some of the product serves as compensation. This type of placement a particular product is shown in the Movie/ Serial and no extra amount is paid for that. The product itself serves as compensation 3.The placement is arranged and there is financial compensation. In this type of product placement the company has to pay for the placement apart from the product. Basically Product placement can be categorized in various forms. The most popular forms are described below: 1. Product/Brand as a background: This the most simplest form of product placement where hoardings of brand, company name, actual product or logo are placed in the scene. Sometimes packaging of the products are also placed. Here the brand is shown without any verbal reference. For instance, in the movie Koi mil gaya, boards of Nescafe and coca cola are seen in the background during the song idhar chala me udhar chala. Likewise in the movie hero, board of Yamaha rajdoot is seen in one of the song. Board of Virgin brand at the background in the movie Kabhi alvida na kehna. 2. Actors use the product: Another popular idea for product placement is to show the use of the product by characters of the movie without verbal reference to brand name or benefit. For example: In the movie kuch na kaho Abhishek Bacchan and Aishwaria Rai drink coke in one scene where camera is focused purposely on the bottle of the coke. Similarly in Taal, Aishwaria Rai and Akshay Khanna share coke from same bottle. Use of Reebok t-shirts by actor Jhon Abraham and Arshad Warsi in movie Goal. 3. Actors mention the product: In this type of product placement, the product is integrated into the drama where the benefits/attributes of the brand/product are mention by the main star without any visuals of the product. For example: There is one sequence in movie Koi mil gaya where actor Hritik Roshan talrs about benefits of drinking Bournvita. 4. Actors mention and use the brand: This style of product placement includes combination of above two method where characters use the product as well as mention the benefits/attributes of it. For instance: in the movie Chup chup ke actor Rajpal Yadav is shown to use Tide detergent powder. Here the level of placement is so high that all the males in the movie are shown in wite clothes in most of the scenes. Also in movie Krish actress Priyanka Chopra is associated with Star tv. 5. Product as the part of the story (theme): Sometimes the story is woven around a specific product or product category. This is extreme level of product placement. However, this trend is not very well developed in India. Very few films have adopted this type of product placement. For instance, In movie Dhoom high speed bikes are the part of the story, also in move hungama starring Akshay Khanna is given the name Jitu Videocon Who owns the Videocon Showroom. 6. Product in promos: This the relatively new trend where the product is tied up with the promo of the movie. The trend in India was started with Kaante where thumps up is associated with promo, similar example is of movie Viruddh which was associated with Max New York life insurance. However it is more seen in the television programs especially the reality shows. This new media of Advertising is beneficial in many ways, firstly the exposure is to a large no of people as a big amount of people see movie each year and the most important ting is that this form of exposure is not subject to zapping, at least not in the theatre. And if in case the movie is hit this exposure can be repeated especially for those who like to watch the movie more then once. The source association also plays a major role. When consumers see their favourite star wearing polo sport, drinking coke or driving a Mercedes, this association may lead to a favourable Brand image. above all, the cost of placing the product in the movie is far less when compared it to the broadcast media, the CPM for this type of media can be very low owing the high volume of exposure it generates. Product placement also helps the marketers to bypass certain regulations, in many countries certain products are not permitted to advertise on television or to some specific market segments for instanc e, cigarettes and liquor. For the industries manufacturing such product this is a very effective media. However its even more important to know that How Does It Actually Works, Basically Marketer pays to the Advertisement agency that decides and places specific brands strategically in films/TV shows. It is the job of the agency to maintain tie ups with prop suppliers/vendors and with set designers. Thus the agency plays the role of the mediater between the director/producer and the marketer. Suppliers get in touch with the production houses, which also look for props and some extra money as revenue. Subsequently the script is reviewed, edited and necessary changes are made in the script to place the brand appropriately to look like a natural phenomenon in the story. A very best example of blending of a brand into the story of the movie is, a well famous brand of bikes Hayabusa in the movie Dhoom. The brand is used by almost all the actors in the movie, and the most important and noticeable part is that the whole story of the movie is encircled around it. It was a very well done promotional strategy, the craze of the bike in India was at its heights even long after the movie was out of the theatres. There are even more examples like Pepsi in dil to pagal hai and scooty pep in the movie Sunday. The typical product placement starts up with publicity. Publicity attracts the viewers to cinema hall, which includes prospects of advertisers. In modern era of commercial news channels, number of viewers largely depend on positive publicity. The number of viewers also depends on actors, production banners, popularity of music etc. Actual product placement process starts with four types of inputs, out of which the dialogues and way of presentation are controlled by the advertiser through proper coordination with the director while on the other hand viewer’s attitude towards movie and actor are uncontrollable. Former two inputs almost depend on advertiser while later two on viewers.