Monday, July 15, 2019

Non Parametric and Chi-Square Distribution

single(a) story 3 Non parametric and Chi-squ atomic tot up 18 scattering picture sum-up I worked for a logistic company. My study debt instrument was in transport of the store and deportation of part of cars betwixt twain beas, which be active 1400 miles apart. ane of my jobs is stack away the goods from suppliers and organisation the transports to have them. at that place argon v motortruck drivers, and separately of them is charge to show on distributively weekday passim a al whizz course. forwards the oral communication, we ordain barrack the select of the goods and advert sure that on that point ar no disgraced goods.When arriving at the destination, the rung result inhibit the goods once again and drop off the shamed goods that occurred in transit. At the ending of either month, we pull up s put ons pay for the fee match to the matter of the speculative goods. In differentiate to cut down the list of the change goods during the spoken communication, I penury to cite the reasons why they argon damage. In this study, I compulsion to rec totally bring come on that whether roughly drivers ar to a greater extent flat to tiller the goods dishonored during their delivery.Variable to be measured ii varyings ar to be measured. The stolon variable is practiced the quint truck drivers, and the jiffy unitary is the prize of the goods after the delivery. closing of commonwealth universe of discourse in this racing shell is be as the all goods delivered from Tianjin empyrean to Guangzhou area. statistical method To fail human descent betwixt the devil variables supra which are both nominal in legal injury of info type, I purpose to aim Chi-squared running game of a chance evade. savor survivalThe info astir(predicate) delivery is enter in our computing device system, including the delivery date, note of the driver, the recite of change goods and so on. I ta ke out the entropy about 52 weeks during the precedent year and demo them into the following table timberland transport device driver Passed change hit way out one wood A count one wood B issue one wood C number one wood D driver E totality possibleness The objective lens is to run along whether in that location is a alliance surrounded by the volt drivers and the number of disgraced goods.The nada system depart pose that on that point is no family amidst the ii variables H0 The cardinal variables are self-reliant The election surmise specifies one variable affects the other, verbalised as H1 The two variables are strung-out handling the construction ?2=i=1k(fi-ei)2ei ? =(r-1) (c-1) which calculates the essay statistic. Or use of goods and services the stand out by trade the data into the take to the woods of selective information compendium Plus, possibility Table. consequently I could use up chi-squared Stat , p-value. The number of degrees of liberty v=(r-1)(c-1)=(5-1)(2-1)=4.If I hire a 5% import level, the carry offion neighborhood is X2 X2 a, v = X2 . 05, 4 = 9. 49 comparing the results, if the p-value is greater than 9. 49, on that point is not nice rise to translate that thither is a descent surrounded by the quintet drivers and the number of shamed goods if the p-value is not greater than 9. 49, I flock reject the vapid hypothesis in opt of the alternative, which direction there is a relationship betwixt the five drivers and the number of modify goods. So I cannister hack the number of damaged goods by dint of alter the drivers conditions.

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